El Dorado Beekeepers

  • pollen laden bees
  • children viewing bees in observation hive
  • swarm cells
  • uncapping honey frame
  • Beginners with Bees class participants

Our September meeting speaker is Richard Martinez of UC Davis!

Join us at our September meeting Sunday September 8th 4:00-6:00 pm.  

Cameron Park Community Center Social Room  |  2502 Country Club Dr  |  Cameron Park

Richard Martinez is a Graduate Student Researcher at UC Davis.  As a graduate student in the Entomology and Nematology department he is studying plant compounds that may improve honeybee nutrition.  Richard began his Entomology journey in the Sonoran Desert where he studied foraging behavior of desert harvesting ants. He continued in the Sierras learning about aquatic insects and their role in aquatic food webs.  Now Richard is immersed in honeybee nutrition.  UC Davis and others have been focused on how probiotics can mediate environmental stress on bee colonies.  Please join us on to hear about the progress Richard and UC Davis have made in understanding this topic.

EDB apiary open days.

EDB Apiary 6699 Campus Drive Placerville CA

We are opening up the apiary and hives on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month.  There is lots of activity in the club hives! Look for opening times on our Facebook page as the weather is still fairly variable.  Opening times are determined by the daily temperature forecast.  Bring your bee suit/jacket and your questions.  We are out there to help you.

Remember to register your hives!

To register, visit our Resources page and click on the "register your hives" button in the lefthand sidebar to register with BeeWhere, the statewide website for hive registration. This is a yearly requirement for all beekeepers, plus the fee has been waived for El Dorado County beekeepers. BeeWhere is a great resource, bringing beekeepers and pesticide applicators together to protect bees.

Operator ID number.

An Operator ID is required to purchase ALL Varroa miticides. California is enforcing a law requiring proof of an Operator ID # for all miticides like FormicPro, MAQS, Apiguard, HopGuard and Apivar, regardless of quantity. Mann Lake and Dadant won't sell to you without it. No fee is required to get the number.  An Operator ID must be renewed yearly, it expires December 31st each year.  Act now!

Step 1
Call El Dorado County Department Ag.

Step 2
Tell staff that you are a beekeeper applying for the first time or renewing whichever is applicable to you.

Step 3
Make appointment
The County is required to read information and review the process with you in person.

Call today. Don't let your mites go untreated!

Questions about your bees? Try our Facebook group!

If you can't figure out what the heck's going on in that hive, ask our Facebook group, where club members post questions, answers, and many opinions. You can also post photos of your beekeeping successes!

Hungry bees?

It's a good idea to have pollen patties on hand, so you have them when necessary. The club has pollen patties for sale, $4 each. Placerville area, contact John Havicon at 916.996.8371, or for the Cameron Park area, contact Bernie Ruzicka at 916.719.6708. They are also available at our club meetings.

Join us for the next meeting, Sunday, September 8th, 4-6 at Cameron Park Community Center, Social Room.

Join our Group!


$35 Standard

$15 Youth

Dec 1 – Nov 30
Member Benefits
  • monthly meetings
    and speakers
  • buy bees through
    the club
  • discounted classes
  • mentoring
  • club socials
  • equipment loans
  • website resources
  • field days and workshops
Join Now
El Dorado Beekeepers Logo

Support local beekeeping

501(c)(3) non-profit orporation
EIN 46-5081463

beekeeping volunteers

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