Join us at our meeting Sunday February 9th 4:00-6:00 pm.
Cameron Park Community Center | 2505 Country Club Dr | Cameron Park
In February we will have Dewey Caron joining us from Bolivia and talking about aggressive bees. We have some concerns in our area at the lower elevations concerning aggressive bees. These bees are the main stock in Bolivia and Dewey has extensive experience with them. Dewey has given past talks to EDB about Bee MD and is a wonderful presenter and educator.
Dr Dewey M. Caron, is a retired Emeritus Professor of Entomology & Wildlife Ecology, Univ of Delaware, & Affiliate Professor and Content/Communications. Currently Dr Caron is a Specialist OR Master Beekeeper program, Dept Horticulture, Oregon State University. He is a past President of WAS (2010), past coordinator of WAS mini-conferences and currently member-at-large to the WAS Board. Author/contributor to Honey Bee Health Coalition and USDA/Pollination Protection BEE MD Web/app program.
Beginning Beekeeper class on February 15th.
EDB will have our beginning beekeeping class on February 15th at the Cameron Park Community Center. This classroom day is composed of 6 stations covering the most important starting topics for new beekeepers and will include lunch. The class also includes a field day in April where we will open up hives and show you how to work with bees. For more information on this class and all our other offerings go to our classes page.
Package bees are now available for purchase!
EDB finally has our supplier and pricing set for 2025. We will be getting packages from Oliveraz Honey Bees in Orland. The price will be $180.00 per 3 lb. package. Packages will include a 1st year Golden West Queen. Packages are suitable for use in all equipment such as a top bar hive. We will take orders until March 31st with delivery tentatively scheduled for April 5th. Delivery date is subject to the weather. To order go to our Bee Sales page.
Be part of EDB's governance or just be a volunteer!
EDB is looking for people interested in being part of EDB's governance or helping guide the organization into the future. These roles can vary from board positions to committee chairs or just volunteering to help educate. Help make EDB a better organization. If you are interested, you may contact Jim Guilliams - [email protected], or Leandra Hale at dal01@el
Remember to register your hives for 2025!
To register, visit our Resources page and click on the "register your hives" button in the lefthand sidebar to register with BeeWhere, the statewide website for hive registration. This is a yearly requirement for all beekeepers, plus the fee has been waived for El Dorado County beekeepers. BeeWhere is a great resource, bringing beekeepers and pesticide applicators together to protect bees.
Operator ID number. (Please do not contact the El Dorado County AG Dept until after February 1st 2025! Their offices are under construction.)
An Operator ID is required to purchase ALL Varroa miticides. California is enforcing a law requiring proof of an Operator ID # for all miticides like FormicPro, MAQS, Apiguard, HopGuard and Apivar, regardless of quantity. Mann Lake and Dadant won't sell to you without it. No fee is required to get the number. An Operator ID must be renewed yearly, it expires December 31st each year. Act now!
Step 1
Call El Dorado County Department Ag.
Step 2
Tell staff that you are a beekeeper applying for the first time or renewing whichever is applicable to you.
Step 3
Make appointment
The County is required to read information and review the process with you in person.
Call today. Don't let your mites go untreated!
Questions about your bees? Try our Facebook group!
If you can't figure out what the heck's going on in that hive, ask our Facebook group, where club members post questions, answers, and many opinions. You can also post photos of your beekeeping successes!
Hungry bees?
It's a good idea to have bee feed on hand, so you have it when necessary. EDB has pollen patties ($4.00) and Hive Alive ($9.00) patties for sale. They are in the Placerville area, contact John Havicon at 916.996.8371, Patties are also available at our club meetings.
Join us for the next meeting, Sunday, February 9th, 4-6 at Cameron Park Community Center Social Room 2502 Country Club Dr, Cameron Park.