2024 Bee Orders

This year the El Dorado Beekeepers is offering club members the choice of both nucs and package bees.

A nucleus colony (nuc) consists of five deep frames with honeycomb and a newly established colony. It includes a newly mated queen, all stages of brood, and frames with honey and pollen. Nucs build up more quickly than packages and are the easiest way for beginners to establish new hives.

Package bees are an artificial swarm containing 2-3 lbs of shook bees, plus a newly mated, caged queen.

All sales are final

Nucleus Colony


Golden West Apiaries
Eric and Randy Oliver
Grass Valley, CA

  • 5 deep wooden frames with built-out honeycomb
  • sold in a reusable nuc box
  • recently mated Italian queen, laying and tested
  • brood in all stages
  • frames with honey and pollen

Wednesday, May 2nd is the last day to order nucs


Coming Soon

Package Bees


SUPPLIER: Oliverez Honey Bees
TBD (April)

  • 3 lbs of bees
  • newly mated Golden West Bees Queen (Eric and Randy Oliver's stock)
  • Package Orders end March 30th!


Coming Soon
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