Swarm Removal

If you have a swarm on your property please do not have the bees destroyed! If you would like them removed, please contact a beekeeper from the list below, and have the following information ready before calling:

  • Address where swarm is located
  • How BIG is it? Softball? Basketball? Bigger?
  • How HIGH UP is it? Arms reach? Roof height? Top of tree?
  • Do you have a ladder that will reach them?
  • Is the swarm outside or inside?
  • How long has it been there?
Answers to these questions will help the beekeeper arrive with the right equipment. Photos that show cluster size and the immediate surrounding area are also helpful.

Please note: our beekeepers are not pest control professionals and will only remove honey bees. If the “bees” nest in the ground, they are not honey bees — they are most likely yellow jackets. See below for help with identification.
Bee vs Wasp
The El Dorado Beekeepers provide this swarm removal list as a public service. If you engage the service of a beekeeper from this list, please note you are engaging them as an individual — they are NOT an agent of the El Dorado Beekeepers.

2025 Swarm Hotline

Below are beekeepers available for swarm removal. No response? Move on to another.
Kris SyversenPilot Hill, Georgetown Divide & ElDorado Hills5306139413[email protected]
Keith ScottShingle Springs / Cameron Park9162816344[email protected]
Steve BakerAll El Dorado County(530)391-3110[email protected]
Monika BakerAll El Dorado County5303919865[email protected]
Leandra HaleSouth Lake Tahoe5303181899[email protected]
Jim GuilliamsAll El Dorado County9166930089[email protected]
Maya FranciscoPlacerville9169346744[email protected]
Peter BarbosaCameron Park /Shingle Springs530-333-5746[email protected]
IS THE SWARM INSIDE? Removing a swarm located inside a wall, chimney, or any place not outside, is a lot more involved and requires special equipment. These removals are referred to as cutouts. For cutouts please contact Daniel Schoenthal at [email protected].
Kris Syversen
Pilot Hill, Georgetown Divide & ElDorado Hills
Keith Scott
Shingle Springs / Cameron Park
Steve Baker
All El Dorado County
Monika Baker
All El Dorado County
Leandra Hale
South Lake Tahoe
Jim Guilliams
All El Dorado County
Maya Francisco
Peter Barbosa
Cameron Park /Shingle Springs
Bee swarm
Have a swarm? Relax!
While bees are swarming they are generally very docile. They are merely looking for a temporary spot to gather while scout bees fly out to find a new permanent home.
Bee swarm
They’re often not very picky about this temporary location. It could be in a tree or bush, on a car or park bench, anywhere they can land to form a protective cluster around their queen.
Bee swarm
Swarms usually stay at their temporary location anywhere from a couple of hours to a few of days.
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